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“No Difference” by Andre Eddens

No Difference

No Difference by Andre Eddens |
Spray paint on Masonite
Manitou Art Center (515 Manitou Ave. 80829)

I am a Colorado springs native of 40 years, and I have been creating art for about 20 years. I found art in the darkest times of my life. In the last four years, I have been blessed to become a professional artist. I have dedicated my art to spreading the joy and light that art gives to people. I have seen the dark side of systemic racism from a young age. I was wrapped in what I thought would never end! Art saved me and changed my mind as I have met people from all walks of life, and have unlearned what I was taught about people. I want to be a part of the solution. With this painting I wanted to depict that there is no difference between us that is not made up and used against us, cause we all bleed red. For me personally, I see “No Difference” in any of us. Lifestyle, culture, color of skin, religion, or any other box we put it in, cause in all our differences we are the same race! The human race. The hope is to make a difference by seeing no difference. If we did more of this our world can heal from the past and move towards our future as one human race.